
Grade 7 French

Grade 7 Science

Rivers and Streams - Bill Nye Video Notes

Rivers and Streams

Bill Nye Video Notes

* A river is moving water
* Water always flows downhill
* Rill  =  the start of a river
* Rivers shape the land they flow through
* Rills flow together to make streams.
* Streams flow together to make rivers.
* Moving water stays going in the direction it is going in
* Rivers constantly fill themselves in making them shallower and shallower
* Meander  =  the curves or bends in a river
* Hydrologist  =  a scientist who study's rivers and water in general
* Special ecosystem occur near rivers
* Waterfalls occur when different layers of hard and soft rock exist in an area
* Humans build dams to prevent floods, create electricity, and irrigate farmland
* When rivers churn, they oxygenate the water
* Continental Divide  =  the highest point in the land (like the peak of your roof) where water chooses its direction or path