b) Personal Novels - Keep reading. New goals will be set Friday.
2) Math - Pg 178 -179 - #1-5
3) Geography - Chapter 4 & 5 Quiz - Thursday March 6, 2014
4) History - No Homework
5) Science - Quiz Wed March 5th - Study notes can be found on Mr. Relic's class website: www.hansolorelic.webs.com
6) French - Sign & return tests http://jackminerfrench.blogspot.ca
7) Health - No Homework
8) Music - No Homework
Spirit Day Tomorrow: Dr. Suess Day - Dress up as your favourite character from a Dr. Suess book.
8) Music - No Homework
Spirit Day Tomorrow: Dr. Suess Day - Dress up as your favourite character from a Dr. Suess book.