Just a reminder that the natural disaster presentations will start this Tuesday May 6th. Here are the guidelines again in case you left your task sheet at school.
Physical Geography
Natural Disasters
Research Activity
Activity – Task #1
Task: You have just been hired by the town of
Kingsville natural disaster prevention team to research 1 specific natural
disaster / hazard; explain how it is caused, the potential dangers and most
importantly how to prevent / prepare for this specific disaster. The town is
relying on you to create a presentation, providing as much information as you
can, to help inform the citizens of our community and keep everyone safe.
Guidelines: The research must be done in an electronic
presentation format (Prezi, Powerpoint, etc. ) You may work as part of a team,
pair or alone. Your research must follow the guidelines below and include
information / slides on the following subtitles:
1) Description of how and why the natural
disaster occurs
2) Description / list of the various areas of
the world that this disaster is prevalent
3) Damage statistics - Your presentation must
include stats on the number of human lives lost, hospitalized, inconvenienced
etc. (You may need to focus on the top 3 to 5 largest disasters)
4) 1 Article Summary - You must include a
summary of an article found online or in a magazine, newspaper etc related to
your natural disaster. (Hint - check the magazine "Canadian
Geographic" either online or in hard copy)
5) Prevention Strategies / Survival kit -
Your presentation must also include safety tips / strategies for surviving the
natural disaster (minimum of 5)
6) Lastly, your presentation must include a
summary of the most important facts and information that you learned doing you
presentation and why you feel this is important for everyone else to know.
Due Date: Wednesday April 30, 2014