b) Personal and Academic Goals page - Complete for tomorrow
Vicious Vocab - Monday's assignment - Write each of the following words out 3 times from our novel study:
corridor colleague executive astonishing coincidence ambush citizenship extraordinary consolation preposterous
2) Math - a) Worksheet - Division of Fractions - Complete # 1 - 12
3) Geography - a) Drainage Basin & Continental Divide Illustration (See pg. 30 in text for an example) - Due Thursday Nov 27, 2014
4) History - No Homework
5) Science - No Homework www.hansolorelic.webs.com
6) French - No Homework www.mllewonnacott2.blogspot.ca
7) Art - No Homework
5) Science - No Homework www.hansolorelic.webs.com
6) French - No Homework www.mllewonnacott2.blogspot.ca
7) Art - No Homework
8) Music - Music sheet due next class -
9) Other - N/A
9) Other - N/A