
Grade 7 French

Grade 7 Science

Friday 12 December 2014

Friday December 12, 2104

10 Days of Misfit Toys - Tomorrow's Theme: "Christmas Tie Day & Making Christmas Cards for the Senior Citizen's Homes" - Please bring in new or old Christmas cards to use to decorate your card!!!

Spirit Day Monday - "Opposite Day"

1)  LA - a) "Stormbreaker" Literature Circles - All cycle roles, book cover, and story / plotline are due Wednesday December 17th.
2)  Math - a) No Homework (Just be sure that Wednesday's assignment is done Pg 128 - 4-13)
b) Chapter 4 Math Test - Wednesday December 17th
3)  Geography - a) No Homework
4)  History -  Worksheet 4-3 Due Tomorrow
5)  Science -  a) optional practice test (given out in class)
b) Ecology Unit Test - Dec 18, 2014     www.hansolorelic.webs.com
 6)  French -  Research terminology of your sport          www.mllewonnacott2.blogspot.ca
7)   Art - No Homework
8)  Music - No Homework
9)  Other -   Have a good weekend!  

Goal for the Weekend - Help mom & dad babysit younger brothers and sisters so they can get their shopping done!!!  :)

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