
Grade 7 French

Grade 7 Science

Tuesday 20 October 2015

Tuesday October 20, 2015

1)  LA - a) Reader's Response Letter - Due Thursday October 22nd.
b) Vicious Vocabulary -  Definitions - Find and write the definition for each of your list words.  

Theme: Compound and Hyphenated Words

eyewitness     self-sacrifice     quarterback     absent-minded    vineyard     able-bodied     copyright      two-thousandths     handlebars     loose-leaf

2) Math -  a) Pg 63 #  4-9
3)  Geography - No Homework
4)  History -  a) Quiz next class on Chapter 2 terms
b) Worksheet "Key Terminology - Chapter 2"
5)  Science - Quiz Friday October 30th (on all 8 flaps in your foldables)      www.hansolorelic.webs.com
6)  French - No Homework
7)   Art / Drama -  No Homework 
8)   Music - Playing test Thursday October 22nd
9)   Other - N/A