
Grade 7 French

Grade 7 Science

Wednesday, 9 December 2015

Wednesday December 9, 2015

Can Food Drive - Thursday's Theme - "Breakfast Thursday" - Please bring in any breakfast items that you can. This is our last day of our can drive, so please bring anything that you can possibly donate. Thank you very much for your support. Our class goal was to bring in 500 items. We have 381 items so far. Thank you again!!!

Holiday Spirit Day - "Dress up as your favourite holiday character"  

1)  LA -  "Stormbreaker" Movie Consent Form - Please sign and return.
2) Math -  a) Pg. 129  - # 7-10
3)  Geography -  a)  Map of the Community - Due Wed. Dec 16th
4)  History - No Homework 
5)  Science - Eco-Poster - Due Monday December 14th    www.hansolorelic.webs.com
6)  French - No Homework
7)   Art / Drama -  No Homework  
8)   Music - No Homework
9)   Other - N/A