
Grade 7 French

Grade 7 Science

Wednesday 13 April 2016

Wednesday April 13, 2016

1)  L/A - a)  Literature Circles - Complete reading your Cycle # 1 pages tonight

Vicious Vocabulary: Write out each of your words in a sentence to show its' meaning. 
Theme: Music

aria     fugue     pianist     rhythm     stereophonic      synthesizer     rhapsody     staccato      melodic      maestro     parallelepiped      polyhedron

2)  Math -  a) No Homework 
3)  Geography -  No Homework
4)  History - Worksheet 8-2A - Due Wed April 20th
5)  Science -  No Homework             www.hansolorelic.webs.com
6)  French -  No Homework
7)   Art / Drama -  No Homework
8)   Music - No Homework
9)   Other - N/A

Wear Purple tomorrow for house points.