
Grade 7 French

Grade 7 Science

Monday 5 December 2016

Monday December 5, 2016

1)  L/A  - a) "Stormbreaker" - Novel Ending Prediction Due No Later than tomorrow.  
2)  Math - a) Dividing Fractions - Page 86 & 87  (odd's or even numbers) - Due end of class Monday
b) Chapter 3 - All Concepts on Fractions Test - Tuesday December 6th
3)  Geography  - a)  Map of the Community - Due December 6th
4)  Science  - a) Quiz - All Concepts - Tuesday December 6th          www.hansolorelic.webs.com
5)  History -  History Card due Monday  
6) Art / Drama -  No Homework
7)   French - Week of December 12th - Play presentations    www.mmerodrigues.blogspot.com
8)   Music - N/A  
9)   Other - N/A

Canned Food Drive Theme for Tomorrow - "Toiletry Tuesday" - Please bring in as many toiletry items as possible: toilet paper, toothbrushes, toothpaste, soap, shampoos etc.

Christmas Question: "Why does Santa Clause have 3 gardens?"