
Grade 7 French

Grade 7 Science

Tuesday 7 February 2017

Tuesday February 7, 2017

1)   L/A - a) Personal Novel - Please keep reading your personal novel. 
Vicious Vocabulary - Find the definition of each of this week's words.    
Theme: Various Forms of "Y"

cynical     mythical     synopsis     encyclopedia     synthetic     cyclone     sympathetic     physician     paralyze     cylinder

2)   Math a) Integer Booklet - Pg 31 & 32.
3)   Geography  - a) Countries of SE Asia Quiz - Thurs Feb 9th
4)   Science  - a) Test on all concepts taught this year - Wednesday February 15th        www.hansolorelic.webs.com
5)  History - a) No Homework
6)   Art / Drama -  No Homework
7)   French - No Homework    www.mmerodrigues.blogspot.ca
8)   Music - Get music test signed!!!    
9)   Other N/A