
Grade 7 French

Grade 7 Science

Monday 20 March 2017

Monday March 20, 2017

"Rock Your Socks Off "Day Tomorrow!!! Wear the craziest socks that you have tomorrow to support Autism Awareness.

1)   L/A - a) Independent Writing - "Over the March Break, I......" 
2)   Math a)  Pg 216 - #1-11 
3)   Geography  - a) Climograph - Select one location from the stats sheet provided in class and complete the climograph for it. Due - Monday March 27th
4)   Science  - a) Sign tests & mind maps        www.hansolorelic.webs.com
5)  History - a) No Homework
6)   Art / Drama -  No Homework
7)   French - No Homework      www.mmerodrigues.blogspot.ca
8)   Music - No Homework    
9)   Other N/A