
Grade 7 French

Grade 7 Science

Thursday 11 May 2017

Thursday May 11, 2017

Thank you to all the Grade 7 & 8"s today for their help mulching "Carter's Path". It looks great, & now many classes can benefit from your work!! 

1)   L/A - a)  No Homework
2)   Math a)  No Homework - We will be continuing our booklet on Algebra tomorrow. 
3)   Geography  - a) River Profile - Due Tomorrow (if you did not finish it already) 
b) Countries of South Africa Quiz - Postponed- Friday May 12th
4)   Science  - a) Unit Test - Thursday May 25th 
b) Comic Strips due Friday May 12th       www.hansolorelic.webs.com
5)  History - a) Presentations next class 
6)   Art / Drama -  No Homework
7)   French / Health - Test and Rubric Signed
Practice Test Vouloir, Pouvoir         www.mmerodrigues.blogspot.ca
8)   Music - No Homework   
9)   Other N/A