
Grade 7 French

Grade 7 Science

Tuesday 22 October 2013

Tuesday October 22, 2013

1)  Read Personal Novel
2)  Math  - a) Sign Unit #1 Math test returned Friday
                  b) Division Worksheet - Rows 4 & 5 Due Thursday
                  c) Chapter 2 - Pg. 57 #1-8 - Due Tomorrow
3)  French - Sign & return test
4)  Health - Presentations continue tomorrow
5)  History - Champlain's Eulogy - Due Thursday October 24th
6)  Science - Sign & return quiz
7)  Geography - a) Sign and return first Canada Quiz
                          b) Canada Quiz #2 - Monday October 28th
8) Newsletter about classroom blog - please sign and return

Boy's Volleyball - next tryout - Wednesday October 23rd - 3:30 - 4:45pm

**EQAO results went home with each student today.**

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