
Grade 7 French

Grade 7 Science

Wednesday, 23 October 2013

Wednesday October 23, 2013

1)  Read Personal Novel
2)  L/A - Descriptive Writing Piece # 2 - Rough Copy Due Monday
3)  Math - a) Division Rows 4 & 5 due tomorrow
                 b) Pg 57 - # 9-13
4)  Science - Quizzes signed
5)  Geography - a) Sign Quiz #1
                          b) Canada Quiz #2 - Monday October 28th
6)  History - Samuel de Champlain Eulogy - due tomorrow

** Pink Day - Friday October 25th to support Breast Cancer Awareness Month**
Please wear any pink clothing items for house points and to show your support!

Girl's Volleyball Tryout (for those that made the first cut) - Thursday October 24th
3:30 - 4:45pm