
Grade 7 French

Grade 7 Science

Wednesday, 16 September 2015

Geography - 5 Themes of Geography

Five Themes of Geography - Notes from the Video
2015 - 09 - 16
Geo - means earth
Graphia - means description
Therefore,  Geography is a description of the earth.

Maps & Globes

7 Continents on our globe - North America, South America, Europe, Asia, Australia, Africa & Antarctica
5 Oceans on our globe - Atlantic, Pacific, Indian, Arctic, & Antarctic
Cartographers - people who design & create maps
Population - 7.2 billion
Surface Area - 315 200 000 squared kilometers (45.028 people / square km)        

Types of Maps -    a)      General
                             b)      Thematic

Map Criteria - All maps should include:
1.    Title
2.   Legend
3.   Scale
4.   Compass Rose
5.   Grid (Latitude & Longitude)
6.   Symbols

5 Themes of Geography
1.    Place & Location
2.   Region
3.   Movement
4.   Environment
5.   Interaction

Hemisphere= half of the earth, divided by the equator
Equator=0 degrees latitude
Longitude= Meridians
·        Prime Meridian & International Date Line

·        2 Types - a) Relative - close/near
                b) Absolute- Exact/ use coordinates/ Latitude &                                    Longitude 
·        Human characteristics - building, clothing, food
·        Physical characteristics- Plant life, landscape, weather
·        Seasons -          summer solstice June 21st (Longest day of the year)
                winter solstice - December 21st (Shortest day of the                                                                                 year)
·        climatic zones - tropical, temperate, polar
·        4 layers of the earth -crust, mantle, outer core & inner core
·        earth is made up of tectonic plates
·        where crust plates meet are called fault lines - could be locations of earthquakes & volcanoes