
Grade 7 French

Grade 7 Science

Thursday 14 January 2016

Thursday January 14, 2016

Have a good weekend!!

1)  L/A - a) Read Personal Novel - Next Reading Goal Due Thursday January 21st
b) Continue working on Speech, Presentations, and Demonstrations
2)  Math -  a) Review - Pg 172 # 1-13 (not for homework - will be working on in Monday's class)
3)  Geography -  a)  Read Pages 24 & 25 on Landforms for next class.
4)  History - Seigneurial System Project's are due on Tuesday
5)  Science - a) Mind Map Due Tuesday January 19th 
b)Unit Test Jan 26th    www.hansolorelic.webs.com
6)  French - No Homework
7)   Art / Drama -  No Homework  
8)   Music - No Homework
9)   Other - N/A