
Grade 7 French

Grade 7 Science

Wednesday 21 September 2016

Wednesday September 21, 2016

1)  L/A  - a) Read Personal Novel
2)  Math - a) Worksheet Pg 24 # 4-10
3)  Geography  - a) Quiz on Map of Canada - Sept 27th
4)  Science  - a) No Homework            www.hansolorelic.webs.com
5)  History -  Activity Sheet 1-2a 
6)  Art / Drama -  Portfolio - Due Wednesday September 21st
7)   French - No Homework
8)   Music - N/A
9)   Other - N/A

Meet the Teacher BBQ - Tonight - 5:00 6:30 pm Hope to see you there.

Spirit Day Tomorrow:  Dress as your favourite character .....aka  Cowboy's & Cowgirl day!!! lol !!  

Question of the Day: What do the letters "CBC" stand for in the world of communications ?