
Grade 7 French

Grade 7 Science

Thursday 8 September 2016

Thursday September 8, 2016

1)  L/A (Gr. 7's) - a) Reading and Writing Surveys Due tomorrow
     L/A (Gr. 6's) - "
2)  Math (Gr. 7's) - Page 1 front side of Addition of decimals
     Math (Gr. 6's) -   "
3)  Geography (Gr 7's) - No Homework
4)  Social Studies (Gr 6's)- No Homework
5)  Science (Gr. 7's) - a) No Homework            www.hansolorelic.webs.com
     Science (Gr. 6's) - "
6)  French -  a) No Homework
7)   Art / Drama -  N/A
8)   Music - N/A
9)   Other - Sign and return monitoring form (if you are interested)
                  - Bring in $1.50 for your agenda (if you took one)
                  - Return milk orders if you wish to order milk

Thank you for a great first 3 days!