1) LA - a) Personal Novels - Keep reading! Next goal due: Tuesday March 25th. Your choice of report - either short oral presentation or a "Reader's Response Letter"
2) Math - Pg. 193 - # 1-6
3) Geography - No Homework
4) History - Leadership Assignment: Due March 26th
5) Science - No Homework. Mr. R's Class Website: www.hansolorelic.webs.com
6) French - No Homework http://jackminerfrench.blogspot.ca
7) Health - No Homework
8) Music - No Homework
***Reminder: Our trip to the Kingsville Curling Club is this Wednesday March 19th @ 12:40 to 3:10pm, not Thursday. Sorry I believe I had the correct date, but wrong day of the week posted prior to the break. ***
*** Also - Student of the Month Assembly: Please note that this month our class along with Mr. Affleck's class will be hosting the student of the month assembly on Monday March 31st. Parents please mark your calendars. Thank you!***
8) Music - No Homework
***Reminder: Our trip to the Kingsville Curling Club is this Wednesday March 19th @ 12:40 to 3:10pm, not Thursday. Sorry I believe I had the correct date, but wrong day of the week posted prior to the break. ***
*** Also - Student of the Month Assembly: Please note that this month our class along with Mr. Affleck's class will be hosting the student of the month assembly on Monday March 31st. Parents please mark your calendars. Thank you!***