
Grade 7 French

Grade 7 Science

Thursday, 20 March 2014

Thursday March 20, 2014

1)  LA - a) Personal Novels - Keep reading! Next goal due: Tuesday March 25th. Your choice of report - either short oral presentation or a "Reader's Response Letter"
b) Vicious Vocab - Write each word in a sentence to show its' meaning OR write the syllables for each word. Dictation tomorrow.

Theme: Words with "Y" as a vowel

antonym               cynical                 mythical
synopsis               encyclopedia      paralyze
sympathetic         physician            oxygen
c) Writer's Workshop - "March Break Reflections" - Write a minimum 1 page reflection / recount of your March Break. 

2)  Math - No Homework
3)  Geography - No Homework
4)  History - Leadership Assignment: Due March 26th
5)  Science - No Homework.  Mr. R's Class Website:  www.hansolorelic.webs.com
6)  French - No Homework   http://jackminerfrench.blogspot.ca
7)  Health - No Homework
8)  Music - No Homework

Spirit Day Tomorrow - "Rock Your Socks Off" . Wear the craziest socks you have to support people with Down Syndrome.