
Grade 7 French

Grade 7 Science

Monday 27 January 2014

Monday January 27, 2014

1)  LA - a) Speeches - Revise & rewrite good copies for Friday January 31st (note change in date from previous blogs).   
b) Personal Novels - Continue reading your personal novel.
Reading Goals Due Tues. Feb 4th; Reader's Response due Wed. Feb 5th (note change from previous blogs)
c) Vicious Vocabulary - Monday's assignment - write each of the following "musical" words three times. 

aria                   decibels              maestro

staccato            medley               stereophonic
rhapsody           synthesizer        rhythm

2)  Math - Pg 140 #  1- 9 Due tomorrow ( Pg 141 # 10 -15 will be tomorrow' assignment) Chapter 4 Unit Test on Wednesday January 29th
3)  Geography - Countries of SW Asia Quiz - Wed Jan. 29, 2014 & Question # 1 Pg. 43
4)  History - No Homework
5)  Science - No Homework
6)  French - No Homework -  http://jackminerfrench.blogspot.ca
7)  Health - No Homework