b) Vicious Vocabulary - please write each of the following words in a sentence to show its' meaning, and study your words. Dictation tomorrow.
carnivorous ludicrous
introvert extemporaneous
illusive extrovert
versatile vivid
elude inverse
c) Personal Novels - Continue reading your personal novel.
Reading Goals Due Tues. Jan. 28th; Reader's Response due Wed. Jan. 29th
2) Math - No homework today.
3) Geography - Read pages 38 to 43 of Chapter 2 in your textbook for Wed Jan 22nd
4) History - Seigneural System - Due Thurs. Jan. 16th
5) Science - Science Pollution Presentations - Tues. Jan. 21st
6) French - Presentations - Friday January 24th
7) Health - No homework
Meningitis Shots are tomorrow.
7) Health - No homework
Meningitis Shots are tomorrow.