
Grade 7 French

Grade 7 Science

Tuesday 14 January 2014

Tuesday January 14, 2014

1)  LA - a) Speeches - Organize your brainstorm. Number ideas / topics that will become topics for your paragraphs. You may begin your introductions, however, you do not have to, as we will be having classtime tomorrow to work on them.  
b) Vicious Vocabulary - please define each of the following list words. 

carnivorous      ludicrous
introvert           extemporaneous
illusive              extrovert
versatile           vivid
elude                 inverse

c) Personal Novels - Continue reading your personal novel.
Reading Goals Due Tues. Jan. 28th; Reader's Response due Wed. Jan. 29th

2)  Math - Pg. 123 - # 1-6
3)  Geography - Read pages 38 to 43 of Chapter 2 in your textbook for Wed Jan 22nd
4)  History - Seigneural System - Due Thurs. Jan. 16th
5)  Science - Science Pollution Presentations - Tues. Jan. 21st
6)  French - Presentations - Friday January 24th 
7)  Health - No homework


Menningitis Shots are this Thursday.